Registration Requirements
1) One parent must be registered in NFQHA ~ Submit copies of papers.
2) One parent must be registered with IALHA or APSL as a Lusitano. If an IALHA S/P (cross between a Lusitano and an Andalusion) it must be a minimum of 75% Lusitano ~ Submit copies of papers.
3) Must submit parentage verification from UC Davis
If your horse is registered with IALHA:
You only need to send a copy of the IALHA papers and a copy of the NFQHA papers ~ no parentage verification needed.
Ameritano Horse Registry | PO Box 129 | Levan, Utah 84639 | (435) 660-6728

Announcing our Number One Ameritano!
Caballito de Acero (IALHA #H009226) a black gelding was owned by Melissa Fowler, Buffalo, SD. 'Acero' was assigned this number a year ago when the Registry was first conceived. Subsequently he tragically sustained a fatal injury, but in the five years Melissa owned him he proved to be everything we hope for in an Ameritano. Lusitano Sire: Calido CD ~ NFQHA Dam: Heflins Steel Jaz (95% QH & a full sister to Jaz Poco Goldun Blue)
Acero was stunning and exhibited the conformation, muscling, bone and disposition that are the goals of this unique cross. He willingly performed any task asked of him on Melissa and Ty's cattle ranch, and loved Melissa as much as she loved him!
Melissa said he was the best horse she ever owned and would never have been for sale.